Berrys Bay Under Threat

This historical residential and parkland bay in under threat from two development proposals that FoSH considers inappropriate.

This historical residential and parkland bay in under threat from two development proposals that FoSH considers inappropriate.

As friends of the Harbour, we understand the need for commercial activity to exist in harmony alongside residential and recreational activity, however we believe the proposal is imbalanced and will reduce in the bay being unsafe for recreational activity.

Importantly, we believe that this development application is completely incompatible with the aims of the SREP 2005 (Sydney Regional Environment Plan), which states in particular:

  • Sydney Harbour is to be recognised as a public resource, owned by the public, to be protected for the public good.

  • the public good has precedence over the private good wherever and whatever change is proposed for Sydney Harbour and its foreshores.

  • protection of the natural assets of Sydney Harbour has precedence over all other interest.

Floating Dry Dock Proposal.

The Noakes Group want to float a huge Dry Dock into the bay for the maintenance of large vessels. FoSH considers the scale and potential pollution - water, air and noise to be inappropriate in such a confined and peaceful bay.

For more information visit Say No to Noakes facebook page or the Berry's Bay Community website.

Berry's Bay Marina.

FoSH supports the Save Berry’s Bay community group in its opposition to a marina for Super Yachts. We consider the oversized marina and restricted public foreshore access to be inappropriate for the bay.